How To Wear A Denim Blouse

I just returned from market, and I was astonished by the predominance of denim!  Ladies, the denim blouse is a must have this season.


Get this style from Elan on our online store at

Indeed, denim is so popular, companies are going out of their way to make it distinctive. You do not have to settle for your old denim blouse!   Look for hombre styles that fade from light to dark or vice versa.  Love plaid?  Get a plaid denim shirt like the ones pictured below.

But how do I wear them, you ask?  It’s so easy to look stylish! Pair a faded denim blouse with a white jean for a great casual summer style.  Wear a dark denim blouse with black jeans for an edgier and dressier look.  Pair any colored denim blouse with a white jean and crop the length to an ankle.  Add a cute tennis shoe, and you’ll be ready for whatever summer throws your way!   Don’t fret about matching denim.  The look is to NOT MATCH!

Best of all, you can wear your denim right into fall because they will be just as popular.  If you invest in any piece this summer, make it a denim blouse!