How Do I Wear A Blanket Scarf? 

As per usual, Wyoming is a bit behind on embracing a trend.  In doing research for this post, I found a fashion blogger talking about blanket scarves in 2014.  I am embarrassed to say, these have just recently risen to my awareness because at market, our trusty scarf rep told me blanket scarves were a must have in my store for this season.  So, I bought 4 styles!

As with everything this season, the print “de la resistance” for blanket scarves is any type of plaid.  A blanket scarf is just a large, square scarf.  The shape and sheer breadth of the thing gives it multiple uses from a scarf to a cape to a belted accessory. With this many uses, this scarf is a wardrobe workhorse! Check out the picture below for a few of the ways you can wear this type of scarf.

pic from:

There are a few tips to keep in mind when styling a scarf.  If you have a large bust, you will want to avoid piling your scarf right over your chest, as it will emphasize rather than de-emphasize a busty figure.  Also, women with short necks and double chins will also want to avoid having too much scarf right at the neck.

Try wearing your hair up and off the shoulders, if you plan to wear your blanket scarf mostly as a neck accessory.  Also, experiment with the style until you get a larger neck opening so your neck and the top of your chest are showing.

To balance out the volume of the blanket scarf, make sure your other clothing is slim fitting and minimalistic.  Don’t pair your scarf, for example, with a top with fringe or ruffles.

Do try wearing a blanket scarf like you would a poncho.  It is a cute alternative style that looks great and can function as a light coat for outside or sweater for inside.  Best yet, it is really only an option for larger scarves, like the blanket scarf.

If you are scarf tying challenged, I found this great pictorial instruction for styling a blanket scarf on  It looks easy enough, right? So why not give it a try! Just keep my tips in mind, and have some fun with this trend.