Closet Clean Out Challenge Step Four: Organize Those Accessories

Chilling in Downtown Casper

In this last step to creating an organized closet, I am tackling organizational strategies for your accessories. A true Fashionista’s style is never complete without the finishing touches, and dis-organized accessories can be as frustrating as disorganized clothing. Let’s jump in.

  1. For shoes I recommend trying to group shoes by their category: tall boots, shoe boots, heels, casual/sporty, and flats. I like to separate my summer shoes from my winter shoes, so I have a cubby organizer for my summer shoes and shelves for my winter boots. I have friends that also use shoe boxes with labels or clear plastic shoe boxes to organize their shoes. You can still find the over the door shoe holders as well if you are limited on space. Perhaps you can use a bin to store your summer shoes when it is winter and vice versa. While you are organizing, make sure you are also examining your shoes. How is the tread? Are the toes scuffed? Do they look worn and outdated? When was the last time you wore them? Get rid of shoes that are outdated, worn out or so uncomfortable you never wear them. Create a trash pile and a donate pile. As you eliminate a style, write it down on your shopping list if you need to replace it. When you are all done, take stock of what you have. Are you over stocked in a certain style like shoe boots but don’t have a single tall boot? Additionally, with your colored shoes, consider if they are in your best colors. If you are an autumn and have bright cherry red heels, you are probably not going to find much in your closet to go with those. Wine colored heels would be a much better choice.
  2. For necklaces, I think organizing them by length and color makes the most sense. I have a multi-pronged hanger in my closet that I have my necklaces hanging on. They are organized from shortest to longest. I have grouped similar colors together as well. When I go through my annual closet clean out, I consider which necklaces I haven’t worn and analyze why. I have my earrings in a jewelry box with several small, earring sized boxes. I also keep my dressy jewelry separate from my more casual pieces.
  3. For handbags, I have them sitting on shelves and organized by color. I tend to stick to neutral handbags so mine are black, brown, tan and grey. I keep my wallets and smaller bags lined up in small baskets and these can sit underneath your clothing if you don’t have shelves in your closet. I highly recommend that you apply the principles of your best colors to get rid of handbags that are not in your palate. When you build your wardrobe around your best colors and buy those colors in your accessories, handbags and coats, you end up with a very put together look that always matches. You avoid the hot pink purse with a red coat and olive pants debacle.
  4. For scarves, I recommend a drawer. I have mine in small circles lined up in a dresser drawer. A slim basket that you can slide under your bed also works if you are short on space. Having them piled so high that you have to dig through them isn’t very efficient, especially at 6 a.m. Organize them by color and type. Keep your outdoor scarves separate from your outfit scarves and your wraps separate from those. I put my wraps with my sweaters which are folded on the top shelf of my closet.

I have posted before and after pics of my accessories in my own closet in our discussion for my Closet Clean Out Challenge: Step Four Live Video which will air tonight. You can see those pictures of how I have organized things there or join us tonight at 6 p.m. MST to watch the video live and ask questions!

At the end of the day, an organized closet will save you time getting ready in the morning. And, while we are on that subject, a well thought out outfit rarely happens with sleep in your eyes. Choose what you will wear at the end of your day before you go to bed. Get everything ready, including what jewelry and shoes you will wear. Take the time to change your handbag, if needed. Consider what coat will look the best so you don’t pair your puffer jacket with a dress, as an example. When you feel put together, your confidence will go up exponentially. It is worth the extra few minutes to do this before bed.

Well, that is it!! You made it!! Congratulations on your newly organized closet. I know you will enjoy getting ready ever so much more now! Tune into next month’s blog and live video series where I will be talking Spring 2023 fashion trends, including color, style and fabric trends. I am also headed to market next month, so you will want to join our VIP Facebook group so you can follow along with my market journey and have a good laugh at the best and worst things I see each day. I will also be posting “Be The Buyer” posts so you can help me decide when I am unsure! You can get all of that on Fashion Crossroads Fashionistas.