Don’t forget the shoes!

Adore lace top and Corky's sandals






















My favorite dining experience is when I order a dish I love, and the waiter helps me to choose the perfect wine to complement the food.  There is such a difference in my overall enjoyment of my dinner when I savor every drink and bite because each one makes the other taste better. 

In many ways, a great outfit can be seen similarly.  You might have an eye catching top like the one pictured here, but if you pair it with the wrong pants or wear the wrong jewelry and shoes, the top will make less of an impact. 

Many women struggle with not really knowing what type of shoes compliment what bottoms.  Particularly tricky is the ankle length pant like the one pictured here.  This style is meant to hit just above the ankle – too long and it looks like a too short pant; too short, and it looks like a wierd crop.  I'm only 5'3 so, sometimes it works better for me to cuff my pants at an ankle length. 

I have found that I like the way ankle pants look better on me if I add some type of heel.  It gets my feet off the ground enough to pull off the style.  I tend to suggest this trick to my customers as well – the one exception being tall ladies who can pull off a shoe like a ballernia flat and ankle pant beautifully. 

The point I am trying to make is the wrong shoe can ruin the whole look, just like the wrong wine can ruin your dinner.  Pay attention to choosing the right shoe for your outfit.  It is worth the extra time and money it takes to put the whole outfit together from the top all the way to the shoes and accessories.  Then you will know you have everything you need to look fabulous the next time you wear your new clothes!

Wear a Fedora this summer!

Needing a fun new trend to try out this summer?  The Fedora is a simple and inexpensive idea (this one is only $12.60 at FC Outlet).  To get the look, just pair a slim legged pant with a boot or ballerina flat and add a blousy top like this 80's style wide neck, bat wing version I'm wearing in the picture.  Last, put your fedora on and wear it low – just over your eye brows.  Don't push it back on your head!  Hey, who says we can't have all the fashion and fun in Wyoming?  Just because its windy, doesn't mean the only hat we can wear is a tuke! 

And, speaking of the 80's, don't be surprised to see neon green and pink this summer along with printed capris and floral jean jackets.  What a blast from the past…my past…I was in high school in the 80's!  Does it mean I'm getting old that I can remember wearing something that is BACK in fashion?  Probably.  Ces La Vie, but fashion is fun, and I intend to have some fun with these new styles this summer…including a few new Fedoras!