We Have BIG News

We have been invited to join Shoptiques, an online marketplace for the best boutiques from all over the world.  This is a very special honor, as Shoptiques rejects nearly half of its applicants.  We were recommended to them and they reached out to us, so we feel very honored to not only have been considered but also chosen to be a part of their online marketplace.  What this means for us is a new website and an online store.  We are so excited about this new opportunity not only to reach out to Wyoming better but also to expose our store to other states and countries!


The Shoptiques story is pretty amazing.  Consider this article from fastcompany.com that talks about how the founder, Olga Vidisheva, had the idea for the company, “Before the financial meltdown, Olga Vidisheva worked in finance (“I wanted to make a difference, as surprising as that might sound”) and found the job draining. When she was traveling overseas for work, though, she would take a breather, walk around an unfamiliar city, and do one of her favorite things—stop in a boutique. When she’d return to the states and friends would fawn over her purchases, Vidisheva was startled to learn that most of the boutiques she’d shopped at had no web presences to speak of. “Am I missing something?” she thought. The gears began to turn—and continued to do so through her time at Harvard Business School.”  http://www.fastcompany.com/3025177/how-shoptiques-is-helping-independent-boutiques-tackle-e-commerce

So if you love our store, help us get the word out to your family and friends that they will soon be able to shop our merchandise online at shoptiques.com.  I’ll keep you posted on the launch date!

Details Make the Difference

I love clothes. I love the artistic nature of design – how the combination of different fabrics, textures, colors, and other design elements come together to create something beautiful. As a detail person, I notice the small things. As a store owner and buyer for fifteen years, I’ve come to realize that the details are often the difference between a cheaply made product and a quality product.


Take as an example this beautiful crochet inset on a tunic from Multiples. It adds a handcrafted element to an otherwise ordinary tunic, creating an ethnic feel that helps separate it from less expensive competitors. It is a beautiful detail that will look delicate and pretty on a woman’s arm.

If you examine the picture closely, you can see that the crochet is weighty and not flimsy. Yet another element of quality, the sheer thickness of this crochet makes it clear that corners were not cut in adding this detail.
These types of added design elements divide out the ordinary from the unique. You either won’t find them on less expensive labels, or, when you do, they will seem cheap and mass produced.

The next time you are wandering through your favorite specialty store or boutique, stop to appreciate the details on the clothing you find. They truly are a work of art.

Sending A Little Sunshine


We have certainly seen winter take hold in the last three or four weeks. About this time, after days of -20 degrees, big snow storms, icy roads and blowing and drifting snow, I find myself looking forward to brighter days.

So it is with joy that I start receiving 2015 Spring like this sunny yellow jacket from Tribal that just arrived last week. The great thing about a jacket like this is you can pair it with jeans and boots and wear it NOW! Yellow looks great with dark denim and it is guaranteed to brighten your mood as well as your outfit!

So this week’s fashion lesson….winter doesn’t have to mean dark colors. You can add a punch of color, even a spring color, in a style that seems appropriate for the weather – in this case a jacket. Even better, when you purchase an early spring item, you can wear it for several months to come before it gets too hot.